a life-changing approach to decluttering
Doors will next open mid July 2025! Get on the waitlist + you'll be the first to know.
➔ Is your home overflowing? You want space to relax, recharge and enjoy life—but everywhere you look there's more stuff. Sometimes it feels like you're slowly suffocating.
➔ Are you trapped by your busy schedule? You spend so much time cleaning, organising, working and keeping it all together... but despite your best efforts, there's never enough time (especially for yourself).
➔ Do you spend money on things that you don't really need? You know that you crave freedom more than anything you'll find on the clearance rack, but you just can't change your shopping habits.
➔ You've already tried decluttering ... but despite your best efforts, you're not making progress. You don't know why it's so easy for some people, but so hard for you. It can be disheartening.
➔ Sometimes you wonder what life would be like if you didn't have so much weighing you down. You used to have big dreams, but lately, life's too busy and cluttered to think about much else...
I know that you want to embrace the minimalist lifestyle that you've heard so much about.
You wholeheartedly believe that "less is more" and you're tired of being so darn busy all the time. You're ready to slow down, simplify, and ENJOY your life.
And you're trying. You've read all the blogs, all the books, and you know what you're supposed to be doing to declutter and simplify your life.
But in reality ... it's easier said than done.
This "decluttering" business is messy and complicated. It's hard to find the time, motivation and quite frankly, courage to follow through.
After all, it's one thing to read well-meaning advice—"your memories live in your heart and not in your things!"—but to follow through and believe it while you're holding tightly to your late grandmother's favourite scarf ...
Well, that's something else, right?
Here's what I've learned.
It's one thing to know what you should do, but feeling empowered to take action is something different altogether.
And this doesn't mean that you're lacking in discipline, motivation or self-control. You're perfectly capable of simplifying your life...
You've just been focusing on the wrong things, asking the wrong questions, and trying to use force to create simplicity.
You might get results in the short term, but it's like going on a crash diet.
After a few days or a few weeks, you're back to where you started.
Nothing really changes in the end... but it doesn't have to be that way.
If decluttering "hacks" worked, you wouldn't be reading this. Let me show you a different way...
I know that you're here because you want more freedom and joy in your everyday life...
... and I'm sure you already know that CLUTTER—in your home, your schedule and your mind—is standing between you and what you want most.
I know this because I've walked in your shoes, slowly drowning in a sea of too much stuff and too many responsibilities. I know exactly how suffocating it can feel!
I've also worked with people just like you from all over the world—people who were so close to breaking free from the chains of their clutter too—yet for some reason, they just couldn't put the final pieces together.
If this is you, then here's the honest truth: you don't need any more decluttering tips.
There's no secret "hack" that will make your clutter disappear (and deep down you already know this—because if there was, you would have definitely found it by now!).
There is, however, a solution that works.
Let me show you how to think like a minimalist—so you can clear your clutter from the roots and feel confident that it's never coming back.
Learn to think like a minimalist and clear your clutter from the roots.
"I am finding your course so helpful. I can feel how it comes from a place of honesty, integrity, and compassion for yourself and others. I have done another decluttering course before, and it was nowhere near what you do. You're on another level! Thank you."
- Ingrid W (UK)
Clear Your Clutter is a life-changing approach to decluttering for overloaded women who want to create space in their lives for freedom and joy.
It is NOT your standard decluttering course. I won't be showing you around my closets or telling you how many coffee mugs I think you need. And you won't find the same tired decluttering advice that I know you've already heard a thousand times before.
Instead, I'm going to teach you how to think like a minimalist. We're going to tackle the thoughts and beliefs that keep your life busy and cluttered, so you can make sustainable lifestyle changes.
Because here's the thing: if decluttering was as simple as sorting your stuff into piles, you'd be done by now.
But if you're reading this, then something is keeping you stuck—and odds are, it's your relationship with clutter. There are mental blocks standing in your way and until you clear them, you can't move forward.
This might sound daunting at first, but trust me; it's actually empowering. When you approach decluttering this way, you unlock a range of benefits that go well beyond a tidy organised home (although you get that too!)
You also reclaim your precious time, space and money—and that's just the beginning.
When you declutter your home and life using my mindful strategies, you also release fears and expectations. You reconnect with a side of yourself that's been long lost under endless to-do lists and overflowing closets.
You find the confidence to start living on your own terms because intentional decluttering leads to intentional thinking, in all areas of your life. Combine this with your newfound time, space and money ...
And this is where the magic happens. With clarity, confidence and room to breathe—you have everything you need to cultivate freedom and joy in your daily life. ✨
"Jennifer will not only help you clear your physical clutter but will help them get to the root of why you have that clutter in the first place... and this is actually two courses for the price of one. So just do it!!"
- Ruth Nicholas, 55 (Cranford NJ)
"This course is great value considering how much it covers and its life-changing effects!"
- Diana C. 38 (Quebec, Canada)
"Clear Your Clutter is not just about decluttering. It's about creating a life where you can do more of what you love, and less of what you don't."
- Layne S (Denver)
"It cleared up a bunch of things for me that other classes (DailyOM, Becoming Minimalist, Marie Kondo) had failed to address."
- Irene W, 57 (Kingman, AZ)
In Clear Your Clutter, I don't tell you what to keep. There are no decluttering checklists, and we won't be working room by room together.
Why? Because I know that's not going to get you the results you want. You don't need me to walk you through your house...
You need me to teach the skill of decluttering—so you can get unstuck, clear your clutter, and create space for freedom and joy.
Here's how we do it:
Clutter feeds on confusion and uncertainty. You're pulled in a million directions, you don't know what to keep, and you feel completely overwhelmed. So let's put an end to it. Let me help you tune out the noise, so you can reconnect with what matters most to YOU.
Decluttering requires making hundreds, if not thousands of decisions. What to keep? What to toss? It's arbitrary and exhausting—but it doesn't have to be. I'll teach you a step-by-step decluttering method that removes the overwhelm, so you can be intentional about creating the home (and life!) you want.
If you keep getting stuck with the emotional side of decluttering, then THIS is the most important skill you can learn. I'll help you understand your relationship with "stuff" by getting to the roots of your attachment—so you can let go in a way that feels more like empowerment than punishment.
These 3 steps reflect the skills you need to declutter your home, take back your time, and rein in your spending. As you master them, you create a life with more of what matters ... and less of what doesn't.
When you join, you get instant access to the Clear Your Clutter online course. There are 6 modules, which include a mix of short video lessons, simple assignments, and thoughtfully crafted workbooks that will guide you through my unique approach to decluttering.
Feel free to work through these materials at your own pace. The easy to use dashboard means you can reference what you need when you need it.
Bonus: You are also invited to any and all future rounds of group calls. (This is a bonus, and future sessions are not guaranteed. But if I'm running calls, you're always welcome!)
During these live calls, we work together to refine your decluttering skills. We'll workshop the key elements of the course, plus you can ask questions and get coached in real time. The calls are recorded, plus there's a library of existing calls you can watch on demand.
The calls are held every Sunday night from 7 pm-8 pm ET (New York Time) via Zoom, starting 2 February and running for 8 weeks. The final call will be on Sunday, 23 March. July 2025 dates TBA
Decluttering can be lonely, and sometimes it feels like everyone else has it all figured out. This can lead to a spiral of guilty and shame—but it doesn't have to be that way. Our warm and welcoming private community of like-minded souls are there to support you.
Ask questions, get support, or request accountability. And most importantly, know that you are most definitely not alone. (This is a private community and it's not on Facebook!)
All the knowledge in the world won't help you declutter if you don't take action, which is why I created this new bonus — 4 live "working bee" decluttering sessions! Included for everyone inside Clear Your Clutter.
Here's what to expect:
Simple yet effective: accountability + support = results!
Session 1: Wednesday, 12 February at 7pm ET (New York time)
Session 2: Wednesday, 26 February at 7pm ET (New York time)
Session 3: Wednesday, 12 March at 7pm ET (New York time)
Session 4: Wednesday, 26 March at 7pm ET (New York time)
"This course has absolutely been a game-changer for me. I love Jennifer’s personal stories and simple approach. I had so many “aha” moments when taking this course, and I have finally been able to make progress decluttering my stickiest clutter and making purchases that I don’t regret later."
- Lynne B (USA)
"I wasn't sure if it would be worth the money as to me it was quite a lot. However I think it was extremely helpful and having lifetime access, including future updates, makes the price so much more reasonable. Also, the course is amazing."
- Doriana D (London, UK)
I am passionate about helping women declutter and simplify their lives, and I believe in Clear Your Clutter because I know it works.
Having said that, I know that it can feel scary to buy things from people you don't know (especially on the Internet!).
Hopefully, we won't be strangers for long—but to put your mind at ease, I offer a Nothing to Lose: 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason, you're not satisfied with Clear Your Clutter, just send me an email and I'll organise a refund. No questions asked.
What is there to lose besides the clutter?
"Hi Jennifer!
A quick thanks for the Stubborn Clutter workbook!
My husband and I identified many "maybe items" a couple weeks ago and then have been dealing with some home stuff (leaking drain pipe! eek), but I finally made time to tackle one of my maybes. I started with a facial steamer because it seemed like a more neutral item to begin with.
But at the beginning of the worksheet I was plagued with guilt about spending money on it and only using it about three times a year and a half ago, and I was struggling with some major "just in case" thinking. Halfway through the worksheet I was starting to see why I could probably let it go, and then by the end I was asking myself, how soon can I post it in our local Buy Nothing Group?! haha.
It just went from a struggle to so obvious that I could let it go and enjoy the extra space under our bathroom sink. And I am currently enjoying the compassionate curiosity stage noting what lessons I have learned from this that I can apply to other things in our home (and future purchases). I can't wait to work through a few other "maybe items" and then start to deal with some of the even harder ones on my list. I just had to let you know how amazingly your worksheet worked for me!
I've been getting so much out of your course and I'm having a lot of fun.
Thanks so much!"
- Andrle
“I took the decluttering course and it was worth every penny and then some.
I have finally been able to make progress on my piles of stuff. I'm grateful for Jennifer having this course. She speaks my language and it's made it really easy for me to make a long-term change.
This course is definitely worth taking instead of getting another book about decluttering or hoarding or cleaning. Those are books I used to have but now I donated them.”
- Teresa, USA
Decluttering is life-changing when you transform from the inside out.
In case we haven't met, my name is Jennifer! I'm the voice behind Simply + Fiercely, a community of like-minded souls seeking a simpler, more intentional life.
For the past nine years, I've been helping women just like you clear the clutter from their homes and heart. As a reformed shopaholic, I've been where you are and I know what it's like to slowly drown in a sea of too much stuff.
I struggled for years, trying one hack after another, but nothing worked… until I learned a life-changing approach to decluttering that changed everything.
And now I'm here to share what I learned with you.
My friend, your future is wide open and this is your chance to write your story, unburdened by the weight of everything that's not yours to carry. I hope you'll allow me to guide you down this new and exciting path.
The live component for Clear Your Clutter runs from 2 Feb through to 23 March. You have lifetime access to the pre-recorded Clear Your Clutter course and recordings from the live calls, which you can access at any time. July 2025 dates TBA
There will be 8 live calls. The first call kicks off on Sunday, 2 February at 7pm (New York time). The final call will be on Sunday, 23 March at the same time. July 2025 dates TBA
If you can't attend the live call, you can submit questions ahead of time via email or the private community. All calls are recorded, so you can watch the replays at any time.
The live calls will be held via Zoom. You'll get a weekly reminder with the details one hour before the call.
During the calls, we'll workshop the key principles from the course. You can also ask questions and get coached in real time. Note that you do not have to "keep up" with the course materials in order to participate in the calls.
Nope! I'm not a huge fan of Facebook, and I know that many of you aren't either. So I created a new community on a platform called Circle.so. It integrates seamlessly with Teachable (the platform that hosts the Clear Your Clutter course), so you don't have to create a new login.
The next round of Clear Your Clutter will be in mid July 2025.
You have lifetime access to the pre-recorded Clear Your Clutter course, all future updates, and recordings of the live calls. (There is a possibility that the materials may be hosted on a different platform in the future, but you will always have access.)
You have access to the online community for as long as it's active, but this is not included in the "lifetime access" guarantee, given the nature of the product.
As a bonus, you're also invited to attend any future sessions of Clear Your Clutter as well. Please note future rounds are not guaranteed, but if I'm running calls, then you're invited!
Please note that if you unsubscribe your email account and we cannot get in touch with you about changes, you may potentially lose lifetime access to the materials.
Can I really have a refund for any reason?
Yes, we have a "no questions asked" refund policy, but you must notify us in writing within 30 days.
What currency is the course price?
All of my courses are priced in US Dollars.
Can I pay with Discover Card?
Yes! But you must select PayPal at checkout.